Author: Nursing Uk

Coming up with and writing a BSN capstone project is one of the important things you will have to do as a nursing student to show mastery of the knowledge and skills that you have acquired in years of studying. 
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Nursing students are often assigned several research projects, so they are always looking for fresh research paper ideas for their nursing research paper topics. Nursing students study lots of materials and require to investigate different complex issues in the field 
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The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) project is written as a culmination of nursing doctoral programs. It gives you the opportunity to translate your acquired knowledge and skills into practice in solving nursing care issues. Moreover, the DNP serves as 
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If you are pursuing a nursing course, you are required to write numerous essays based on various nursing topics. Therefore, you need to be careful with the topics you select for your essays to deliver better marks from the essay 
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Writing a great nursing care plan requires a logical approach to appropriately complete the sections needed for a care plan. A good care plan provides an excellent means of communicating among nurses, their patients, and other healthcare providers to attain 
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Dementia refers to the loss of previous levels of cognitive, executive, and memory function in a state of full alertness. The condition has a slow, insidious onset, and degenerates into a chronic, progressive and irreversible state. With the longer life 
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Pain is an unpleasant sensory experience occasioned by tissue injury. Everyone has experienced pain in one way or another in their life. The unexpected onset of pain reminds the patient to seek help in terms of support, assistance, and relief. 
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As a nurse student or professional, care plans are unavoidable in nursing school or nursing workplaces. In nursing school, student nurses are required to learn the process of writing nursing care plans in detail. That is why your instructor wants 
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Have you decided to join a nursing school? You need to get familiar with the application process. Get all your documents, including transcripts and letter of recommendation, in order. Also, you will have to write a personal statement showing your 
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Doctor of Nursing Practice (dnp) previously, Nursing Doctorate (ND) is a clinical doctorate that emphasizes quality improvement of clinical nursing practice and practice-based problem investigation. Dnp allows graduates to practice and evaluate current dynamic practice in the health sector and 
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