Nursing personal statement help

Are you looking to apply for a nursing or midwifery degree? UCAS helps students to choose the university they want to attend. It would be best if you kept in mind that there are many requirements and submission guidelines.

As a nurse, managing multiple work streams is a must. They may include administrative tasks and patient care. Medical practitioners with comprehensive personal statements have the quickest turnaround time for their summited nursing personal statement applications.

A properly developed and polished nursing personal statement shows you have the required mind-set for the job. We will look at some tips on how to write a perfect nursing personal statement.

Relevant Experiences and Skills

To work in the nursing profession, one needs a select pair of skills. The skills required do not have to be acquired in the healthcare setting. A skill like working as a team is gained from real-life experiences since childhood. Below are some practical skills every nursing student should possess:


Every nursing routine is organized despite being in a very busy environment. In your nursing personal statement, indicate when you had to work under similar pressure logically. Talk about situations like when you had to balance a-levels with another part-time job.


Communication is a vital skill that every training or professional nurse should possess. Nurses are required to convey sensitive information. They have to do so clearly and concisely to their colleagues, patients, or family. Demonstrate how you have previously applied this skill.


Advocacy involve being active in support of those under your care. The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code (NMC) is in clear support of patient advocacy. You need to indicate how you will be an advocate to your patient when you become a nurse in your nursing personal statement.

In addition, some relevant skills can come from your family situation. Have you cared for anyone in your family in any way? Indicate that in your nursing personal statement. However, avoid rambling and talking about unnecessary things. Go straight to the point and indicate what you actually did and how it helped a person.

Importance of Creating a Personal Statement

To be successful in the nursing course, you need to have a certain characteristic. You can clearly showcase your experience, goals, and adept knowledge of the role they are seeking to fill. A good number of nurses tend to ignore personal statements when writing their resumes since they are optional.

Nevertheless, once you include a strong personal statement, you give your potential employer an easier time getting to know who you are. Also, it sets you apart from the rest by putting in the extra effort.

What to Say in Your Nursing Personal Statement

Are you looking to pursue a nursing degree in the future? What should you say in your nursing personal statement? Below are four proven actions to take:

Show you are the right fit for the job.

You’ve worked tirelessly to get to where you at, right? Make sure you clearly state what you can do. Research what the role requires. The university will want valuable data about your background settings and skillsets.

This area of study calls for honesty and transparency.

Providing this data will help employers know how to fit you into the role you are applying to fill. Also, they can use the data you provide to see whether you can fit in other roles they may not have posted.

Specify the kind of work you are looking for

There are many different ways to provide care, like hospitals, community educational groups, or private practice. The more specific you are about the role you want, the better. Below are a few questions you need to like yourself.

  • What is your preferred location to work at?
  • Are you a daytime worker or a nighttime worker? Or do you prefer having rotating shifts?
  • Are you able to work in different units?
  • Can you deliver care in underserved areas?

State your years of experience

If you have one to two years of experience in nursing, you can easily be considered for a travel nurse position. If you have more years of experience, this can greatly influence the position you will be considered for. So, make sure you clearly state the years you’ve been working as well as the locations you have worked at.

Are there any new skills you have learned along the way? Detail each skill you have acquired as it can boost your recommendation by showing you have a wide range of abilities and can apply them in the future.

Do you have any certifications?

There are certain needs that need a specific set of certifications. Stating the particular certifications, you have gained throughout the years and in your nursing course will give your potential employer an easy task to fitting you in the roles you can fill best. They are assured you will do the job to the best of your ability.

Did you study in an accredited nursing university?

It might be harder for you to pursue an additional degree if your nursing school wasn’t accredited. Stating that your school was accredited will help boost your chances of landing the position because some employers look for specifically accredited nurses.

Do you have an affiliation with any association?

Having an affiliation with any local association is helpful since it shows you are active in your field and care much about it. This is a plus since most employers want nurses that are actively involved in their work.

How to Make a Connection with Your Personal Statement

  • Formulating a basic timeline

To avoid procrastinating, you have to start early with brainstorming, writing, reviewing, and also proofreading your nursing personal statement. This only takes a few minutes, but at times it can feel like you are adding an additional chore to an already full schedule.

  • Repurposing the open-ended statements for others specific ones

Most nursing schools and universities have an open-ended prompt. It allows all applicants the freedom to design the nursing personal statements.

You don’t need to start from scratch creating your nursing personal statement. Most universities have specific prompts in their education curriculum. You can address a few aspects of the prompt. This allows you to repurpose parts or even whole paragraphs of the open-ended nursing personal statement.

Read through the prompts thoroughly to formulate a plan hence saving you a large amount of time and effort in the process of writing your nursing personal statement.

  • Make an outline first.

To help you with your nursing school application, write a rough outline first. This way, you get an outline as well as a rough idea of where to start and what each paragraph will need.

When an idea pops up while writing, you can adjust your outline to fit in the idea where it best fits, avoid writing your statement without an outline since space fills up quickly.

You might end up going over the word count, which will make you wonder what to omit from your statement because everything will seem too important.

  • Avoid cliché and unnecessary stories in your nursing personal statement.

Don’t go about writing how you were playing as a nurse while you were a child. The interest of a nursing school admissions officer will be lost when you start talking about how you’ve always wanted to be a nurse and how you played nurse as a kid. Do not include such stories in your nursing personal statement.

  • Be specific

Don’t go writing general statements in your nursing personal statements. The management or admissions officers are less likely to be persuaded by general statements. You have to not only tell but show why you should be considered.

Provide concrete examples that back up your personal qualities and skills. Be sure to link your experiences and skills to why they will make you a better nurse.

  • Show you are dedicated to the care.

Being a nurse, you are providing care to patients. It would be best if you showed that you are dedicated to providing care to patients and that you understand what nursing is about. It will go a long way in showing that you belong in the profession.

Do’s and Don’ts in Writing a Nursing Personal Statement

Here are some tips on how to write a nursing or midwifery personal statement:


  • Show passion in your area of study.
  • You need to show that you understand the reality of being a nurse.
  • You need to start early. You need ample time to write and edit your work.
  • Your field of choice should be your main focus.
  • Explain reasons for choosing to nurse.
  • What are your qualities? What makes you eligible to be a nurse?
  • What prior experiences will aid you in your field of study?
  • You have to demonstrate your overall awareness of nursing degree.
  • Proofread the statement. Make sure there are no spelling or grammatical mistakes.


  • Don’t only list what you have done. Make sure you show why that is relevant to the nursing practice.
  • Avoid clichés. Don’t go saying your grandmother was a nurse, and that’s why you want to be one.
  • Avoid famous quotes from your idols.
  • Avoid asking everyone for the advice. This is your personal nursing statement, so they want to hear your voice.

Specifics for Different Nursing Degrees

Are you looking to work in a hospital? A personal nursing statement should be an individual demonstration of passion and self-drive so as to show how you will make a difference when you are posted for work.

Explain what has inspired you to be a nurse. What sort of qualities qualifies you to be a nurse? Below are some additional tips to follow.

Children’s Nursing

When it comes to nursing children, you have to be prepared and patient because the task can be extremely demanding and also stressful. The role of taking care of children will require a specific set of qualities. The area of study requires a lot of patients. A child is a delicate human being.

Nevertheless, this field can also be amazing and rewarding, and it gives you a chance to learn from your subjects. Children’s nursing can be the most fulfilling career you can undertake. Handling a child can be satisfying.

Adult Nursing

As a medical practitioner, are you able to interact with adults from diverse backgrounds in the healthcare sector? Are you able to adjust to your placement location? You have to demonstrate the ability to handle adults from diverse backgrounds, including the senior generation.

Demonstrate your knowledge in nursing adults. Highlight your strengths to the fullest. You need to have real-life examples showing why you are the most suitable person to become an adult nurse.

You can transfer many skills to the nursing role. So, even though your experiences are not health-related, go ahead and demonstrate how they will apply to the adult nursing role.

Learning Disability Nursing

This is another challenging nursing area of study. Working with patients with learning disabilities poses a challenge to most nurses. Understand that learning disabilities vary among people, and being an expert nurse will go a long way in making a difference in their lives.

Mental Health Nursing

This nursing area of study is another quite challenging sector that will expose you as a nurse to a wide range of patients from different sectors in life. Here, you will interact with drug and alcohol abuse patients. Also, you will face a complex range of mental health patients.

Have you taken care of a mental health relative or patient? It has to be stated in your nursing personal statement. In the UK, mental health nursing is growing, and it offers a wide range of opportunities. Some of them include psychiatric nursing and crisis care.


In conclusion, you need to watch out for documentations from universities. See whether there is a word limit for a nursing personal statement. Your nursing personal statement might not be considered because it exceeded the required word count.

UCAS sets their required word count limit, so be sure to check on that while writing your nursing personal statement. Make sure you submit your statement before the deadline. Universities at times close the application before the deadline.

To be on the safe side, submit your nursing personal statement a few days before the deadline. Some courses will close the applications after the required number of enrolments is filled, even before the deadline.

See that your nursing personal statement is from a particular personal point of view or interest or else the reader will lose interest. Once you get the reader of your statement interested in your point of view, you are most likely to land a physical interview at the university or institution.

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